Sunday, November 30, 2014

"Ich bin ein Berliner"

Of course, besides the Wall festivities, Berlin is rampant with art and museums and shopping and activities and bizarre places I'm sure I'm not even aware of. I did have myself some fun at the Mall of Berlin. And just walking around the city and taking the U-Bahn and S-Bahn to its different districts is an adventure in itself. Here are a few fun photos of me prancing around Berlin in beanies and scarves and coats, because let me tell you: It was friggin' COLD. Oh, and my sister Jasmin is the phenomenal photographer of this photoset, if you find yourself wondering.

I love the way the textures and patterns of this wall, door, and ground contrast each other, yet are somehow cohesive.

Bears around the city. Here's one in Nikolaiviertel.

Mall of Berlin in Potsdamer Platz. This was halfway through the damage done. In the end, my feet and arms ached, but this was the most incredible einkaufszentrum I've ever been to.

Being original in front of the National Gallery.

Um yes, so this was the most frigid day in Berlin, and I happened to leave my coat in my room and froze my arse off. I  turned to tomato soup and hot chocolate and glühwein for warmth.

We chanced upon this alley and I felt compelled to lean against this wall. Definitely felt edgy that night.

Berlin, ich werde dich vermissen. Bis zum nächsten Mal. 
xx B

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